Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Supper

Well, sadness overwhelms me. My home-girl Katie, aka Killer, aka Beer Garden Girl is leaving on a jet plane tomorrow for Austin. I can't express my blues.

I've always been different my whole life. Always felt I had to defend my thoughts, my humor, my style - all of it. But with Katie, there was never any need to defend. She laughed at my jokes, could Zen out with me. She's an artist, a woman, a humanitarian, a bad-ass, a listener and a lover... it was always the first day of school for me and I was that weird girl with a bad pixie hair cut, Hammer pants and high top Converse but Katie was right there with me from the jump. Never judging. Always loving.

I can't wait to see you again, my friend. I love you Killer. xoxo.

The last supper at Bara Sushi House.

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